To był długi i trudny dla nas tydzień. Tata wyjechał na konferencje a opanowanie dwójki rozbrykanych chłopców w pojedynkę - nie należy do zadań łatwych i przyjemnych ;-) Tym bardziej doceniam samotnych rodziców ;-) Tak czy siak daliśmy radę i nawet sporo udało się nam zrobić. Pewne wydarzenia tylko zasygnalizuje bo chciałabym im poświęcić należytą uwagę w osobnych postach.
It was a long and difficult week for us. Dad went on the conference and taking care of two little mischievous boys was not a nice and easy task. Right now I appreciate the single parents even more than I used to !!!. One way or the other, we did make it. We also managed to do a lot of educational stuff. Some of them will be only signaled here because I want to give them their due attention in separate posts.
It was a long and difficult week for us. Dad went on the conference and taking care of two little mischievous boys was not a nice and easy task. Right now I appreciate the single parents even more than I used to !!!. One way or the other, we did make it. We also managed to do a lot of educational stuff. Some of them will be only signaled here because I want to give them their due attention in separate posts.
Dużą część czasu zajęły nam zmagania językowe. W szczegółach możecie o nich poczytać TUTAJ, TUTAJ, TUTAJ, TUTAJ i TUTAJ.
We devoted a significant part of our time to language activities. If you want the details- you can read about them HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.
We devoted a significant part of our time to language activities. If you want the details- you can read about them HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.
Pierwsza nieśmiała próba rysowania literek po śladzie ;-)
Antek's first, timid attempt to tracking syllables ;-)
To zdecydowanie jedno z ulubionych zadań Antosia- ilościowe dopasowywanie rybek. Materiały pochodzą od autorki bloga: Do dzieci z pasją. Jeszcze raz dziękujemy :-)
This is one of Antek's favorite matching activities this week - matching fish by the quantity. The materials come from the author of Do dzieci z pasją. Thank you K.
This is one of Antek's favorite matching activities this week - matching fish by the quantity. The materials come from the author of Do dzieci z pasją. Thank you K.
Sporo czasu zajęły nam wyprawy na łono natury i obserwacje przeróżnych form świata ożywionego i nieożywionego. Ale, więcej informacji na ten temat znajdzie się w osobnym poście ;-)
We spent a lot of time observing nature and its animate and inanimate creations. I will write more about it in a separate post ;-)
We spent a lot of time observing nature and its animate and inanimate creations. I will write more about it in a separate post ;-)
Powtórka z kształtów przy okazji układania puzzli związanych z transportem.
Some shape revision by means of our transportation puzzles ;-)
Zabawy konstrukcyjne z bratem
Construction work during playtime
Wałkowanie i odciskanie literek w ciastolinie potrafi pochłonąć Antolka bez reszty ;-)
Rolling and imprinting plastic letters in our play-dough can absorb Antek for hours.
Odrobina ćwiczeń praktycznych: Wykładanie i wsuwanie blachy do gorącego piekarnika ;-)
Practical Life - inserting and extracting a baking tin from the hot oven ;-)
Tony plac plastycznych w przeróżnych technikach. Tu malowanie kredą po papierze ;-)
Tons of art activities using variety of techniques. Here Antek is painting with chalk.
Solidna zaprawa fizyczna połączona z odkrywaniem praw fizycznych ;-)
Some physical exercises combined with discovering lows of physics ;-)
Trening na sucho przed wyjazdem, który nie doszedł do skutku ;-(
Some practice before the trip that we had to postpone ;-(
I na koniec coś dla ludzi o mocnych nerwach !!! Wiem, że niektórzy mogą chwycić się za głowę. Przyznaje moje dzieci od czasu do czasu jedzą parówki!!!! A Antek tak je lubi, że kiedy już pojawią się na stole potrafi wciągnąć dwie !!!!
And finally something for the people with strong nerves !!!! I am aware that right now some of you will grab their heads with disgrace. I admit, my children eat hot-dogs from time to time. Antek likes them so much that when they finally make their appearance on our table he can even eat two of them.
And finally something for the people with strong nerves !!!! I am aware that right now some of you will grab their heads with disgrace. I admit, my children eat hot-dogs from time to time. Antek likes them so much that when they finally make their appearance on our table he can even eat two of them.
I'm linking this post to these great blogs:
Lots of fun activites!!
OdpowiedzUsuńPopping in from tot school.
Smacznego Antku! :)
OdpowiedzUsuńAle mieliście pracowity tydzień!
OdpowiedzUsuńGreat week and activities!!
OdpowiedzUsuńYou are a fantastic mom! It's hard doing it all when our husbands are traveling for work. I commend you on everything you do for your boys. And yes, we eat hotdogs too. ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńWow - I'm impressed with the level of skill your son has working with a hot oven! You've been doing lots of great activities. And thanks for introducing For Children with a Passion! Glad to be visiting from Montessori Monday Deb @
OdpowiedzUsuńKudos to you for managing not only to single parent for the week but also to fit in lessons as well! And yes, we eat hotdogs here too. ;) Thanks for linking up to Montessori Monday.