Welcome again to Tot School and our Montessori Monday post. Those who read our post for some time may notice that we have been drifting to Montessori method more and more each time. I am glad to inform that me and my husband have made a decision to enroll me on a Montessori training ;-) I’m so happy about it ;-). The more I get to know this method the more I become enchanted by it. Well, it doesn’t mean that we are going to eliminate our tot school activities. I do believe that each person has to find a balance between methodologies he gets in contact with and pick those elements that they find important and worth incorporating ;-).
Below you will find a collection of our Valentine’s Day activities.
We started the V-Day feasting by decorating our branches with felt hearts. The boys we really proud of their work. I personally like the invigorating red color. Each time I entered the room the bouquet made me smile ;-)
The boys also help to make and decorate the Valentine’s cookies.
The pouring activity was originally prepared for my older son ( he asked me to provide him with one ;-) But Antek couldn’t resist. I know that there is a fixed order in which pouring activities should be presented. I just haven’t yet figured out how to separate the activities for my boys ( we do not have much space ;-( ). In fact, Antek had a great time with this activity. He spent with it at least 30 minutes each time.
He modified this activity a little bit by pouring the robin beads into the indented plate.
… and transferring them back with his fingers.
This activity was not a hit. He was supposed to transfer the red apples by the ribbon into the indentations in the plate. He did it once or twice.
He preferred to transfer the robin beads. I guess their texture was much more interesting.
Matching Valentine’s Cards. Antek loved to match them as much as he loved to put them in and out of this little rattan trunk. The activity was inspired by the author of the Leptir blog. If you are looking for fine Montessori activities this is a place to find them.
I found this cute little boxes in our local craft store. Antek loved to match the lids to the boxes. I add some hidden surprise for him ;-)
Each boxed contained a little Valentine’s element : red pompons, a red feather, silver wooden hearts, wooden mini cloth pins with a felt heart. The feather was definitely his favourite. Especially after his brother showed him how to blow it and make it float in the air.
Although, Antek is doing really well with carrying a tray. He decided that a rattan basket is a much better container for all his boxes.
This activity originated from my unfinished project. I was going to prepare a button heart snake for Antek but due to this terrible cold I was feeling really terrible. I hope I will finished it soon. Still we had a lot of fun with it.
We did some pattern activities. I feel that Antek is slowly getting the idea behind it ;-).
He sorted them by color
I called a color of the heart and hi picked it up. He mastered the colors really well.
We also played a simple game- I asked him to put a certain heart on particular part of his body. We did this activity both in Polish and English. Definitely a hit.
Antek likes to observe while his brother is preparing different projects for his kindergarten. This week Kuba was using a puncher to make a heart collage. I decided to prepare a tray with a puncher and color paper for Antek too. He did this activity several times during each day.
Another pattern activity.
I love the moments in which my older son is presenting and explaining activities to Antek. Antek seems to be more engaged in Kuba’s explanations then in mine. I think this is a great opportunity to strengthen a lifelong brother bond
Valentine’s Puzzles
Yesterday we woke up to see this beautiful blanket of snow again.
Well I almost forgot. We have a new favourite family treat. A jelly. Here in Valentine’s color.
My favourite photo of the day. Antek had his hair cut. He is such a cooperating child. He was smiling like this all the time.
If you are interested in what other tots were doing this week please visit these sites. They are a goldmine of creative ideas.

Thank you for reading
Have a beautiful week.
Everything looks so fun! I really like your tree branches with the hearts. Also the pouring bead work looks so inviting. Thank you for sharing.
OdpowiedzUsuńI love all of your Valentine activities. Those boxes for him to match the lids are really nice.
OdpowiedzUsuńI wanted to let you know that I have the link for the Salmon Burger recipe on my post now.
Thanks for stopping by.
You guys look like you had a great week! I'm amazed by how good Antek was for his haircut!! Bee is definitely NOT a fan of haircuts. The Valentine's day activities were great and we also made red jello for the festivities. :) Have a great week!
OdpowiedzUsuńThanks for linking up:)))) I really like those boxes they are awesome. Just remember if you link up another day to grab my button so that you can spread the word.
OdpowiedzUsuńTak z ciekawości: ile masz tych drewnianych tacek? Masz na nich te ćwiczenia cały czas ustawione, czy też masz jedną i układasz na niej elementy do ćwiczenia w miarę potrzeby?
UsuńTacek mam na prawdę sporo ;-) i jeszcze więcej koszyków i różnych pojemników. Staram się by w miarę możliwości każde ćwiczenie miało osobna tackę, czy pojemnik bo to ułatwia dziecku pracę, orientację i wybór. Nie zawsze jest to jednak możliwe i wtedy kombinuje - zabieram te tacki, które się Antosiowi opatrzyły i dodaję nowe ;-)
I do agree with all of the ideas you've presented in your post. They're very
OdpowiedzUsuńconvincing and will certainly work. Still, the posts are very short for
novices. Could you please extend them a little from next time?
Thanks for the post.
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